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Coach's Corner

Our wonderful captains will be coaching our Mixed 1s (Blues) and Mixed 2s (Orcas) this year. Tabs Preston is a fifth-year medic at Worcester College and Sam Thompson is a third-year medic at New College. 

Touch is a beautifully simple sport: score without being touched. But if you're new to our game, or are simply looking to improve, here's a few resources to help!


Spend some time looking at the skills you'll use every time you step on the touch pitch. If you get the small details right, the rest of the game comes easy.


The pill: a thing of beauty. But wonder-passes can only get us so far if we can't execute attack as a team. Here are some tools for reviewing our attacking platforms.


The best form of attack? Defence! Here you'll find some explanations of policies and terms we use in defense to form our dark-blue wall.


The best way to improve your game is to simply watch some Touch! Some classic matches from recent years are collected here for you to get started with.

Touch in Numbers

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